Monday, 28 July 2014

The Perlemian Haul - Part 1

The Incendia - Lambda-Class Shuttle
Session One: Our adventure began with the characters aboard a stolen Lambda-class shuttle. They had come into possession of intelligence suggesting that the Empire was using the Perlemian Run -- an ancient and well travelled hyper-space route -- to move a top-secret convoy. Now they were travelling to a remote space-station above Rondura II, ready to intercept the convoy when it docked to load cargo and take on fuel. 

Upon arriving at Rondura II the group were hailed by the space station, and found that their fake identification provided by the Rebel Alliance failed to pass muster. However, the station security was lax and the officers were more interested in making a little money than they were looking into the matter in any detail. 

The Martle Station
Once docked they party dealt with the greedy officers quickly. They then took to venturing into the station to find out whatever information they could about the docking of the convoy. It was around this time that Dah-Rell, the parties Commando, decided to investigate some of the cargo that the dock-workers were transporting to the lower portions of the station. Opening one of the container boxes, she found a mysterious silver cylinder but she was unable to work out what it was. Zef and Dah-Rell decided to take the parties droid, Hennya GA2.5 and investigate where the cargo was being taken, while the other members of the party when deeper into the station in search of the Rebel Alliance contact, Passk.

Zef, Dah-Rell and Hennya soon found themselves in the lower reaches of the station, where massive quantities of cargo were being stacked ready to be moved aboard the convoy ships once they arrived. However, no sooner had they made their way into the cargo-bay that they were confronted by Sal Santiago, an Imperial Commander in charge of the operation. Some quick thinking on the part of Dah-Rell convinced the Commander that they were there as representatives of Imperial interest, and that they were looking for a possible Rebel spy. This gave Zef a chance to spend a little more time investigating the contents of the containers, while Hennya spliced the stations computer systems in order to gather intelligence and shut down certain aspects of the security system.

Meanwhile, Tobias -- the parties Diplomat -- and Commander Kerr, travelled up the the living area of the space station in search of Passk. They found the Trandoshan in his small shop -- Passk's Oddities -- sat amid piles of junk. At first, he seemed of little use to them, trying to sell them items of little worth for astronomical sums of money. However, it soon became apparent that Paask was merely putting on a front, and once the coast was clear he was able to shuffle them into a small hidden room where he offered them help.

Passk recommended that the pair travel to meet with the Governess of the station, and see if they could get some useful information from here. While loyal to the Empire, she was corrupt and so could be of use to them. Passk provided them with some suitable attire, and the two went on their way.

After a little wait Tobias and Kerr managed to meet with the Governess. Just as Passk said, she was more than willing to deal with them. They claimed to be smugglers looking to use the station to transport weapons to outer-rim worlds. The Governess agreed to allow them to use the station in exchange for dealing with Commander Sal Santiago, who she believed had been sent to the station to spy on her. With the deal in place, the first chapter of the adventure came to a close.

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