Session Three: The session started with the characters
working in the hanger of Martle Station, helping to load cargo onto M226. They
spent a little time gauging the situation before taking any firm action. It
soon became apparent that the Imperial forces on M266 itself were far more organized
than they had been on Martle Station when one of the dock-workers was shot with
stun-blasters for a minor indiscretion.
Keeping their heads down and doing their best to blend it, the
characters then made their way onto M226 with their cargo. They managed to pass
the boarding checks without any trouble and soon found themselves within the
super-freighter. While inside they spent a little time trying to scope out the
cargo-hold. They managed to find a small droid hatch used by Astro-Mechs and
planned to use it to stow away into.
Following some tense discussion, Zef managed to convince the group that
they ought to create some form of distraction to give themselves the chance to
slip into the hidden compartment un-noticed. Zef then rigged one of the
grav-lifts being used to move the cargo so that it would run off on its own,
drawing attention away from the characters as they made their move.
With everything ready, the characters slipped into the droid
compartment. However, Commander Kerr struggled to get into the small space
quickly enough, alerting a curious naval officer. The group were almost caught,
however, Hennya 2.5’s quick reactions neutralized the guard. The group then hid
the body within the Astro-Mech chamber.
After a few hours of staying hidden within the Astro-Mech chamber the
characters felt the ship begin to move away from Martle Station. At this point
they decide to send Hennya 2.5 deeper into the ship, hoping that a lone droid
would not be noticed by Imperial security. Henya spent several hours traversing
the corridors of the super-container before coming across the area security
station. Here he was able to access a command terminal, gaining access to the
central control sever for the ship
Meanwhile, the other characters emerged from the Astro-Mech containment
area into the cargo container. After a little searching they found their stowed
equipment just in time to counter a patrol of Imperial Navy Troopers. Fortunately,
Hennya was able to take control of the auto-turrets via the security console,
aiding the characters in taking down the Navy personnel.
Finally, the characters made their way deeper into the ship in order to
meet up with Hennya and find out just what cargo the Empire has aboard M226.
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