Sunday, 24 August 2014

Session Three: M226

Session Three: The session started with the characters working in the hanger of Martle Station, helping to load cargo onto M226. They spent a little time gauging the situation before taking any firm action. It soon became apparent that the Imperial forces on M266 itself were far more organized than they had been on Martle Station when one of the dock-workers was shot with stun-blasters for a minor indiscretion.

Keeping their heads down and doing their best to blend it, the characters then made their way onto M226 with their cargo. They managed to pass the boarding checks without any trouble and soon found themselves within the super-freighter. While inside they spent a little time trying to scope out the cargo-hold. They managed to find a small droid hatch used by Astro-Mechs and planned to use it to stow away into. 

Following some tense discussion, Zef managed to convince the group that they ought to create some form of distraction to give themselves the chance to slip into the hidden compartment un-noticed. Zef then rigged one of the grav-lifts being used to move the cargo so that it would run off on its own, drawing attention away from the characters as they made their move.
With everything ready, the characters slipped into the droid compartment. However, Commander Kerr struggled to get into the small space quickly enough, alerting a curious naval officer. The group were almost caught, however, Hennya 2.5’s quick reactions neutralized the guard. The group then hid the body within the Astro-Mech chamber.

After a few hours of staying hidden within the Astro-Mech chamber the characters felt the ship begin to move away from Martle Station. At this point they decide to send Hennya 2.5 deeper into the ship, hoping that a lone droid would not be noticed by Imperial security. Henya spent several hours traversing the corridors of the super-container before coming across the area security station. Here he was able to access a command terminal, gaining access to the central control sever for the ship
Meanwhile, the other characters emerged from the Astro-Mech containment area into the cargo container. After a little searching they found their stowed equipment just in time to counter a patrol of Imperial Navy Troopers. Fortunately, Hennya was able to take control of the auto-turrets via the security console, aiding the characters in taking down the Navy personnel. 

Finally, the characters made their way deeper into the ship in order to meet up with Hennya and find out just what cargo the Empire has aboard M226.

Monday, 28 July 2014

The Perlemian Haul - Part 2

One of the strange metal tubes
Session Two: Our last session ended after the characters made contact with Governess Prule, the ruler of Martle Station. Tobias and Kerr convinced her to provide them with information in exchange for getting rid of Commander Santiago, an Imperial Commander that Prule suspected of seeking to overthrow her. Meanwhile, Zef, Hannya and Dah-Rell remained in the lower levels of station where they were trying to find out more about the strange cargo being prepared for the convoy.

Zef began by taking a closer look at the strange cargo that was being loaded up. The odd metal objects made little sense to her, and yet she did find that they are rather dangerous. After getting a little too close she caused one to spark, only just moving out of the way in time to avoid having her hand burn up.

Dah-Rell began by speaking to Commander Santiago, explaining why the party were on the station.
However, when put under pressure to explain just who sent them to the station and why, Dah-Rell slipped up and claimed to have been tasked with overtaking command by Lord Vader. Santiago was naturally suspicious of this, and proceeded to contact Imperial High Command in order to verify Dah-Rell's claim.

However, thanks to a quick bit of splicing work by Hanya and Zef, the communications were relayed to within the station. Commander Kerr was then able to speak to Santiago, convincing him that he really had been replaced. The group planned to have Commander Kerr arrive in an Imperial uniform, and take over the dock area, thus allowing them to approach the convoy without difficulty.

Commander Santiago
With the help of the station plans, obtained by Hanya from the mainframe, Kerr located Commander Santiago's quarters, and set about stealing a uniform. However, things took a turn for the worse when Santiago turned up while Kerr was still getting prepared. Enraged and being replaced and confused as to why the stranger was in his quarters, Santiago drew his blaster and shot before asking questions. His aim was true, and Commander Kerr took a savage blow to his shoulder. However, Kerr was able to fire back. He missed Santiago, instead hitting the blast-door controls. This caused the doors to slam shut, crushing Santiago between them. Kerr quickly finished Santiago off. 

The blaster fire drew a team of guards who promptly arrested Commander Kerr. However, quick intervention from Dah-Rell, supported by Governess Prule lead to Kerr's release. The group then gathered together to discuss what to do next. They decided to see if they could find help from some of the dock-workers in order to get close to the convoy once it arrived. They also felt the need to pretend to leave the station, and so set to work freeing a number of prisoners the Imperials had taken, and loading them aboard their shuttle. The pilot droid, ZB44 flew the prisoners away from the station, ensuring that Imperial scanners would detect the correct number of lifeforms aboard the vessel.

While this was happening, Kerr and Zef made their way to the canteena, where they looked for a way of contacting the dock workers. Kerr managed to get himself into trouble with a drunk dock-worker but some deft work on the part of Zef calmed the situation down before things got out of hand. The pair were then introduced to Rak, the leader of the Dark Sun dock-workers gang who, after grilling the pair for some time, agreed to offer them work. 

Finally, the party made preparations ready for when the ship was docking. Zef spend a little more time studying the odd objects in the cargo boxes. While still unable to tell exactly what they were, she came to suspect that they might be some form of fuel source. Meanwhile, Dah-Rell and Kerr stashed the groups weapons and equipment in a cargo box so as to be able to recover it once aboard the convoy craft. With that, the session came to an end.

Zef Chandra

Zef, our mechanic and saboteur

Tobias Funke

Tobias, our Ithorian Diplomat

Commander Kerr

Commander Kerr, the brave leader of our group.

Dah-Rell, our parties Commando.

Hennya GA2.5

Our parties Droid "Hennya" GA2.5. Quick witted and nimble, Hennya is a dangerous IG Assassin Droid that has defected to the Rebel Alliance. In addition to being deadly with a blaster, Hennya is also the parties splicer. 

The Perlemian Haul - Part 1

The Incendia - Lambda-Class Shuttle
Session One: Our adventure began with the characters aboard a stolen Lambda-class shuttle. They had come into possession of intelligence suggesting that the Empire was using the Perlemian Run -- an ancient and well travelled hyper-space route -- to move a top-secret convoy. Now they were travelling to a remote space-station above Rondura II, ready to intercept the convoy when it docked to load cargo and take on fuel. 

Upon arriving at Rondura II the group were hailed by the space station, and found that their fake identification provided by the Rebel Alliance failed to pass muster. However, the station security was lax and the officers were more interested in making a little money than they were looking into the matter in any detail. 

The Martle Station
Once docked they party dealt with the greedy officers quickly. They then took to venturing into the station to find out whatever information they could about the docking of the convoy. It was around this time that Dah-Rell, the parties Commando, decided to investigate some of the cargo that the dock-workers were transporting to the lower portions of the station. Opening one of the container boxes, she found a mysterious silver cylinder but she was unable to work out what it was. Zef and Dah-Rell decided to take the parties droid, Hennya GA2.5 and investigate where the cargo was being taken, while the other members of the party when deeper into the station in search of the Rebel Alliance contact, Passk.

Zef, Dah-Rell and Hennya soon found themselves in the lower reaches of the station, where massive quantities of cargo were being stacked ready to be moved aboard the convoy ships once they arrived. However, no sooner had they made their way into the cargo-bay that they were confronted by Sal Santiago, an Imperial Commander in charge of the operation. Some quick thinking on the part of Dah-Rell convinced the Commander that they were there as representatives of Imperial interest, and that they were looking for a possible Rebel spy. This gave Zef a chance to spend a little more time investigating the contents of the containers, while Hennya spliced the stations computer systems in order to gather intelligence and shut down certain aspects of the security system.

Meanwhile, Tobias -- the parties Diplomat -- and Commander Kerr, travelled up the the living area of the space station in search of Passk. They found the Trandoshan in his small shop -- Passk's Oddities -- sat amid piles of junk. At first, he seemed of little use to them, trying to sell them items of little worth for astronomical sums of money. However, it soon became apparent that Paask was merely putting on a front, and once the coast was clear he was able to shuffle them into a small hidden room where he offered them help.

Passk recommended that the pair travel to meet with the Governess of the station, and see if they could get some useful information from here. While loyal to the Empire, she was corrupt and so could be of use to them. Passk provided them with some suitable attire, and the two went on their way.

After a little wait Tobias and Kerr managed to meet with the Governess. Just as Passk said, she was more than willing to deal with them. They claimed to be smugglers looking to use the station to transport weapons to outer-rim worlds. The Governess agreed to allow them to use the station in exchange for dealing with Commander Sal Santiago, who she believed had been sent to the station to spy on her. With the deal in place, the first chapter of the adventure came to a close.